May 17, 2008

Lars and The Real Girl (2007)

Filmul asta trist, desi e catalogat drept comedie, imi aduce aminte de o piesa pe care am vazut-o acum multi ani la TNB, Harvey. (N-am gasit inca filmul, daca il are cineva, dau inregistrarea piesei la schimb). Harvey era prietenul invizibil al unui onorabil domn (Radu Beligan as Mr. Dowd) si se intampla sa mai fie si... un iepure alb gigantic.

Felul in care lumea accepta "prezenta" iepurelui Harvey mi-a facut legatura cu Lars si fata lui adevarata. [mild spoiler] Lars e un tip care se indragosteste de un manechin. De plastic. genul de papusa gonflabila moderna. [/spoiler]

Filmul se perpeleste deci intre doua aspecte: sanatatea mentala a lui Lars, si m-am bucurat ca nu se face mare caz pe tema asta si perceptia comunitatii micute in care traieste Lars asupra fetei lui "adevarate".

Desi nu exceleaza prin distributia de staruri, imagine, sunet, montaj sau alte atribute care pot face un film, Lars and The Real Girl e un film bun, usor de asimilat, cu morala si nitica simbolistica .

Lars pot fi eu, Lars poti fi tu. The real girl poate fi orice lucru care te tine departe de alti oameni si pe care ei se straduiesc sa ti-l accepte. Desi e foarte moralizator sa emit asemenea bule de intelepciune, probabil am sa uit asta imediat ce o sa trec la the next real girl, the next real movie.



T. said...

Facing the imminent death of a parent is a precarious tightrope to walk, but watching a soliloquy on grief, sorrow, intimacy and love was a real revelation. The script is imaginative and polemic, and the actor a mix of sympathetic and ruefully black comedy deadpan. At first, to less observant viewers, the auteurs are unleashing an obvious gag at our expense. Or are they? Conceptually and symbolically this film is a superb and accessible treatise on guilt, death and the complexity of human relations. "The Real Girl" is emblematic of a searching for meaning, redemption, and a way out of grief to the cold hope of realism. In many ways, what seems absurd and asinine is actually a very clever way of asking the viewer to reframe their own thoughts about death, loss and intimacy. This would be a fantastic post-funeral film, not because has moments of light-headedness, but because if you are watching a loved one die (or have done so) slowly or have recently lost a love one this movie will be a tender way of allowing competing and conflicting emotions to percolate to the surface in a way which is not always comfortable, but is therapeutic. The best film about grief and love I have seen thus far.

Coma White said...

Asta e filmul de care zici?

zeeny said...

Nu, e ala din linkul de pe primele 2 cuvinte :-)

Adica asta