Ok, trebuie s-o spunem de la inceput, the movie's exquisite, filmat cu gust, jucat bine, regizat... well, aici am cateva de zis, apropo de arta regizorala a lui madame Coixet. After all am decis ca nu mi-a placut, pentru ca e ca un pranz atat de rafinat, incat iti cade greu la stomac. There's nothing fresh/natural about it, nici macar Penelope. All the bullshit's there: piano, flowers, tanarul creol cu obrazul neras de doua zile.. fiecare lucru care-ti intoarce stomacul pe dos in filmele ieftine, dar ar trebui sa dea bine intr-un film, chipurile, pus la punct. Not! Recomandat doar pentru cei care vor sa vada o drama pretentioasa cu un final lasat, totusi, cu bun simt, in coada de peste.
6 /10 (un punct in plus pentru bustul gol al lui Penelope, si, parca, si putin cur:P ).
of course, nu toti barbatii mai in varsta incearca sa seduca tipe (*gentle*) intr-o maniera de lux (nu "ieftina"). :)
8 pt. actori mai ales.
m-am distrat de cliseele folosite pentru a demonstra personajele cliseu.
Dude, nu maniera de a seduce m-a deranjat. Aia chiar mi-a placut. Subiectul e ofertant, exquisite, ca si actorii. M-a deranjat maniera in care a ales sa prezinte regizoritza asta, cu multe clisee, etc. Uite, Closer e oarecum mai onest decat asta, in demersul lui (demers viciat si acolo, dar asta e alta discutie).
hmm, nu stiu ce sa zic despre onestitate. putem sa cadem de acord ca nu e o capodopera, dar mie mi-a placut.
oh, well, btw am gasit asta pe imdb si e o chestie care si mie mi-a placut:
There's a tacit agreement the filmmaker has with its audience, that Consuela, thirty years the professor's junior, is a home-wrecker, even though his home with Carolyn is a transitory one, or rather, a cheap motel of perpetuity. A relationship with Carolyn, the audience reasons, stands a better chance for permanence than this torrid fling with a hot, young thing. In essence, Professor Kepesh cheats on Consuela, but it fails to register as a serious transgression on his part, because the audience identifies, and agrees with his paranoid assertion that, given time, the young woman will leave him for a younger man.
of course, nu toti barbatii mai in varsta incearca sa seduca tipe (*gentle*) intr-o maniera de lux (nu "ieftina"). :)
8 pt. actori mai ales.
m-am distrat de cliseele folosite pentru a demonstra personajele cliseu.
Dude, nu maniera de a seduce m-a deranjat. Aia chiar mi-a placut. Subiectul e ofertant, exquisite, ca si actorii.
M-a deranjat maniera in care a ales sa prezinte regizoritza asta, cu multe clisee, etc. Uite, Closer e oarecum mai onest decat asta, in demersul lui (demers viciat si acolo, dar asta e alta discutie).
hmm, nu stiu ce sa zic despre onestitate. putem sa cadem de acord ca nu e o capodopera, dar mie mi-a placut.
oh, well, btw am gasit asta pe imdb si e o chestie care si mie mi-a placut:
There's a tacit agreement the filmmaker has with its audience, that Consuela, thirty years the professor's junior, is a home-wrecker, even though his home with Carolyn is a transitory one, or rather, a cheap motel of perpetuity. A relationship with Carolyn, the audience reasons, stands a better chance for permanence than this torrid fling with a hot, young thing. In essence, Professor Kepesh cheats on Consuela, but it fails to register as a serious transgression on his part, because the audience identifies, and agrees with his paranoid assertion that, given time, the young woman will leave him for a younger man.
si, bineinteles, the period episode. haha. ha.
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